
“Cipollino” ballet – permission granted to fool around!

September 27, 2017

For the first time in this season NOVAT invites you to see Karen’s Khachaturyan’s “Cipollino”, designed special for kids and still impressing the adults. Bright, vivid colors of costumes and scenery, lively choreography, exciting stunts will fascinate you on 1st October, 13:00 on the main stage of NOVAT.

Dancers love this production, since they have an opportunity to fool around on the stage, take a trip back to childhood, feel true emotions of the young audience.

“Kids know it when you pretend, so you have to become one with your character to make kids trust you, to make them feel your character – told Maksim Grishenkov, principal dancer of NOVAT’s ballet company, performer of Cipollino part – In “Cipollino” ballet you have goals set by a great choreographer Genrich Mayorov, and you also have some free space for improvisation. We play and mess around the stage, sometimes perform something impulsive, but we do not cross production borders, its image”.

Maya Grigoryeva, the ballerina performs naughty and smart Radish: “This is a very kind, merry and dynamic ballet, it has a lot of funny moments even for us, adult people. Before performing this part I watched “Cipollino” many times from the backstage. I enjoyed it as much as the dancers on the stage. But being involved in this performance is a different kind of pleasure because we don’t often get to make fun and fool around the stage. It’s also a very inspiring feeling when you perform in front a house full of kids who are allowed to behave more relaxed than it usually is in the theatre”.

Olga Grishenkova, the principal dancer performs the beautiful Magnolia. Her exquisite dance astonishes not only the guards on the stage, but also the audience in the auditorium: “It’s a special kind of pleasure, dancing for children. They take the stage action serious, so it has to be true. My character is actually out of this tale, in my opinion. Magnolia charms the people around with her complex, highly skilled dance, but the kids love her scenes for its humor and bright colors”.

Due to its cheerful sparkling music, the “Cipollino” ballet charges the audience with positive emotions and brings the holiday spirit upon the artists and the audience. No other performance in NOVAT gets this amount of grateful applause, heartful joy and excited children’s cries.