
Konchakovna is a lady with a strong backbone

May 20, 2017

24 May Ekaterina Marzoeva will play for the first time the part of Konchakovna in the “Prince Igor” performance based on Borodin’s opera. The event is dedicated to the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture.

“The daughter of Khan Konchak is a headstrong, independent woman with a natural backbone – notes Ekaterina Marzoeva – but there’s a thing – her part is really low, and you must keep the tenderness and effeminacy of a girl in love.”

A very special place in this epic opus is possessed by a dramatic love story of Konchakovna and the imprisoned prince Vladimir. The two lovers are representatives of two different families at odds, and moreover they belong to different cultures, nations, fighting a war at each other.

“The most powerful vocal part of Konchakovna – the cavatine – requires a very subtle vocal skill – tells the singer – it is important not to lose its musical finery.”

The next Borodin’s “Prince Igor” performance will take place 24 May. Tickets are available on the website and at the box office of the theatre.